Caption Contest No. 24

Winning Submission:

"No one watches me while I'm sleeping...NO ONE!"

Honorable Mentions
"Dead Animal War"
"Sic Semper Tyrannis!"
"Black is the New Red..."
"Say hello to my boomstick."
"Damn it feels good to be a gangster..."
"Come on out kids, we're eatin tonight!"
"Guess who's not winning the Iditerod this year?"
"My name is Inigo Montoya. You ran over my Grandma. Prepare to die."
"The new and improved 'Send 'em back to their maker' Red Ryder 201."
"This closes another sad chapter in the never ending War on Cocaine..."
"Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way. I killed off all his reindeer, and carjacked Santa's sleigh."
"Mall of America....1975....Remember that day?...You took your lunch break..and left me....standing there...waiting..."

"The 'War On Terrorism' reaches the North Pole: Preemptive strick on Kris Kringle,
a suspected terrorist, is deemed a success by White House officials even though
any Presents Of Mass Destruction have yet to be found."