Caption Contest No. 27

Winning Submission:

"Honey, I can't find it anywhere. Kids, have you seen Mommy's...back massager?"

Honorable Mentions
"Puppy love."
"Weiner dog!"
"No boy, i said fetch the STICK!"
"That is one huge dong...i mean dog."
"Boy is this bone ever gonna get buried."
"Man's best friend takes on man's worst enemy"
"You can always find what you're not looking for. "
"You're gonna shoot your eye out with that thing!"
"They don't call them golden retrievers for nothing."
"Bad dog! Put mommy's bone back where you found it."
"Seems Old Mother Hubbard went to the wrong cupboard!"
"Jane trained her dog to save only her most prized possessions in case of fire."
"Over time, Pavlov's experiments with his dogs became more and more bizarre."
"Dong: $22 from Big Papas Porn Palace. Dog: $55.00 from the pound. Having your dog bring your dong out at the family reunion: Priceless."