Caption Contest No. 55

Winning Submission:

"XOXO. Gossip Girl."

Honorable Mentions
"Am I really logged in?"
"You might be a redneck if...."
"Al Gore invents the internet."
"Where does my toast come out?"
"Let's play Global Thermonuclear War."
"I may need those rabbit ears after all."
"Have you tried turning it off and on again?"
"All this just to enter Deep Elm's contests."
"What do you mean, Unable to Access Site?"
"The real source of every 'Nigerian Princess' email."
"I'm a PC and Windows Slum Edition was MY idea."
"My computer seems to be running a bit slow today..."
"I knew I should have kept a better eye on my credit report!"
"Let's see here, Deep Elm has re-pressed Low Level Owl? Limited to 1,000! Want!!!"