Caption Contest No. 57

Winning Submission:

"What's it look like I'm doing? I'm building a sandcastle. Lookout tower one is juuuussssttt about done."

Honorable Mentions

"Do you girls Twitter?"
"Criss Angel hits rock bottom."
" you girls like Twilight?"
"I feel like I'm forgetting something."
"I seem to have lost my bus ticket."
"Stranger Danger! Stranger Danger!"
"No really - I'm in that GEICO commercial."
"Where is Chris Hansen when you need him?"
"Is anybody else turned on right now or is it just me?"
"Carrot Top Dyes Hair, Attempts New Prop-Free Set"
"The weird thing is he wasn't there when the picture was taken."
"You think youčre uncomfortable now? I sat on both of those bottles, ladies."
"Oh shut up! He's the only guy that would buy us beer. Kelly, neet Charles Manson."